See Policy Director, Marc Dones in "Beyond the Bridge: A Solution to Homelessness"

Join us on Monday, October 21st, 6:30 pm at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, CA to catch a free screening of "Beyond the Bridge: A Solution to Homelessness" from A Bigger Vision Films. We are proud to share that our very own Marc Dones, BHHI Policy Director, makes an appearance in the film. 

Reserve your spot now


The team at A Bigger Vision Films noticed that most documentaries on homelessness offer few solutions, so they set out to create BEYOND THE BRIDGE, an ambitious documentary film about solutions to homelessness. The film crew drove over 40,000 miles to visit 12 cities and dozens of service providers, those with lived experience and policy makers to answer this question: How can this country solve homelessness in a comprehensive way?

The answer: Working with deep coordination — a single homelessness response systems plan based on the principles of Housing First with community buy-in from law enforcement, judicial systems, business communities, service providers, volunteers, and leadership from the mayor and county executive, all working from the same page.

Learn more about the film here

Learn more about A Bigger Vision Films here


A Bigger Vision Films is very excited for you to join for a Special Preview Impact Screening of Beyond the Bridge: A Solution to Homelessness, taking place on Monday, October 21st at the Grand Lake Theatre in Oakland, in collaboration with All HomeChan Zuckerberg InitiativeEast Bay Housing OrganizationsOakland LGBTQ Community CenterUnited Way Bay Area, and Together Films.

Following this special preview impact screening, local experts and advocates will join us for a panel conversation and audience Q&A. More info to come soon.

Our goal is for this film to be a part of a community-wide conversation about homelessness. Who do you know that needs to know more about this issue? Who else needs to get involved in this dialogue? We encourage you to invite others to this free screening, panel, and Q&A, so that we can all be a part of answering the question: How can the Bay Area solve homelessness in a comprehensive way?