Dr. Margot Kushel receives a Holly Smith Award for Exceptional Service to the School of Medicine

Margot Kushel, MD is an innovator who thinks beyond science to improve our community, particularly the lives of those impacted by social forces such as homelessness. Dr. Kushel consistently goes above and beyond the parameters of her University appointment to advocate at local, state, and federal levels for initiatives that ameliorate the burden of homelessness. As founder and now Director of the Benioff Homelessness Initiative, she will leave a legacy of laser-like focus on the needs of those with housing instability or homelessness. She is also training a whole new generation of learners who will carry on both her research on underserved populations and her history of fierce advocacy for their wellbeing. Not only does her high-quality and impactful research inform and support our shared commitment to social justice, but that commitment also permeates her roles as division chief, teacher, and mentor. She is known for her ability to listen actively and deeply and provide both professional and personal support.

"I am so honored to receive the Holly Smith Award, and am fortunate to be able to spend my career working with inspiring and devoted colleagues at UCSF committed to building a healthier world for all."